Rule of Three is a moving image investigation of nostalgic history, personal narrative, cinematic representation and trans/gender. An attempt to visually tonalize a complicated and diverse narrative in feminist, lesbian, transgender and working class history.
With this work I envision beyond the boundaries of established materiality, into an imaginary of theories and representations.
As a transgender person with roots in the working class lesbian community, it is up to me to create a personal historical narrative. Because those that came before me faced enduring violence and repression, documents of their lives are often hidden or unknown. I seek to place myself in connection with both real and fictitious elements of Lesbian and FTM working class history. I fancy creating a visually conversational bridge that leads to an uncomfortable but largely absent discourse in our communities.
The Rule of Three is a structural inspiration for this investigation, when framing an image, the comedic triple, the three-act structure of film narrative, and the rigidity of gender binary.
This show includes photography and multi channel video work, and is made possible with the support of the Puffin Foundation.
Install Photos Below are from the Howard Art Project July, 2014 Boston, Massachusetts. 
Thanks to everyone who helped make Rule of Three. The Puffin Foundation, Howard Art Project, Marilyn Arsem, Sarah Hill, Hayley Morgenstern, Creighton Baxter, Leah Ross, Leah Craig, Coe Lapossy,and Rob Chamberlin. 

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