The Game Show premiered November 21, 2021 at The Contemporary Austin - Jones Center with shows at 2pm and 4pm.
This live performance is a structured collaboration modeled after the externalized negotiations surrounding authority, desire, and production inherent in gaming. Players' experimental activity generates flow states and moments of synchronicity, providing insight into how casting, programming, and community organizing benefit art spaces, and revealing how agents within a group space negotiate conditions of work, creativity, and joy.
Wherever possible objects and costumes in this show were designed for a low-waste outcome. Priority (and compromise!) has been given to material re-use, recycling existing objects, and objects that will have a future use after the show. Sustainability is addressed as both a theme and a practice within the performance work.
The Game Show is ready to tour and will be announcing dates for 2022 soon, please email using the link at the top right if you would like to book this show in your city.
Collaborating Artists Include:
Player 1: Shannon Stott Player 2: Michael Anthony Garcia Player 3: EG Gionfriddo
Photo Artist: Amber Rademacher Video Artist: Kayla Galang Videographer: Lesley Zapata
Sketch Artist: Matt Rebholz Stage Manager: Eliot Fisher
Director: Bug Davidson
Special Thanks to:
H Lewis, Aaron Flynn, Alexis Scott, Coe Lapossy, Courtney McClellan, Jessica Borusky, Kate Taylor, Sarah Hill and Zach Trager.
This project is supported by the National Performance Network (NPN) Documentation & Storytelling Initiative with funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts (a federal agency). For more information, visit